Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Last days of school

Today I said my goodbyes to students in Badajoz.  I've worked in this elementary school for the past 8 months on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  My classes consisted of 5th and 6th graders and they've truly been amazing.  I've noticed their levels of English improving and the ones who just love participating are so cute.  I'll never forget them! They didn't even let me walk into the classroom before they bombarded me with cards, gifts, and kisses.  One boy even made a PowerPoint for me!

At first I was very confused "they fence you very well"?? What!? Then I found out that this was just a funny translation.  She meant to say "Que te vaya bien" which means something like I hope it's well for you/good luck with everything. Instead, she spelled "vaya" into her translator as "valla" which means FENCE! hahahaha so cute.  Kids often mistake the y for ll because they can sound the same, the same with the letters "b" and "v'" in Spanish.
I made sure they all knew from the start that I am American and nottttt British! I still would get questions regarding "Inglaterra" which is not my country :) You will notice that they like drawing the American flag
"Bye" Samy :)

The 5th grade science class- The one in the bottom left hand corner is Sergio (the one who made my powerpoint)
This card made me laugh. Our last unit in science was about the Neolithic and Paleolithic periods- I hope they forever remember me when they think about nomads ;)

Isn't this all too cute? I have a huge stack of cards put only took pictures of some of them.  I also said goodbye to my two girls who I give private lessons to every Monday and Wednesday.  (Elsa and Gadea) Even though they got a little rowdy at times, they really are sweet girls. 
I gave them lollipops and they gave me chocolate and earrings :)
Meanwhile, I've been cleaning and packing up my room.  Thursday and Friday are my last days at my other school and Tara and I leave our apartment for good on Sunday afternoon.  Our 3 week trip begins! I've never packed a backpack for three weeks of straight travel, this should be interesting.  First stops are Madrid, then Logrono, Bilbao, and San Sebastian.  For the first time ever, Tara and I are trying to relax and have the "go with it" attitude of traveling.  We will decide what we want to do depending on the people we meet along the way.  We will be using the rideshare website and also meet up with some couchsurfers throughout the three weeks.  It's not that we are broke and don't want to spend on hostels, it's just that a lot of people have great experiences using couch surfing and it's a great way to get to know this part of Spain. I won't be taking my computer with me while I travel but I will continue taking notes and pictures so I can write when I'm back home :)

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