Saturday, November 17, 2012

You know you're in Spain when....

The following are my first impressions of Spain after living here for almost two months.  I find myself being very observant every time I adventure into a new store or just in general when I am walking around.  The thing about where I live (Badajoz), is that there are hardly any English speakers, even less tourists and there isn't much diversity. So the following are just my personal observations that I find amusing, the list is probably going to grow as I spend more time here but here's a start!

You know you are in Spain when...

  • Everyone greets everyone..even complete strangers "Hola! Buenos dias! Que tal? Hasta luego! Adios! (very friendly people)
  • You get two kisses on the cheek when introduced
  • People touch you when they talk to you
  • The people are very fashionable- especially the women
  • Speaking of fashion, the women color coordinate like none other.  If your shoes are green..then your belt, your earrings, and your eye shadow is also green.
  • The people smoke like chimneys
  • ^^^Maybe this is why they are all so thin? (Obesity is not an issue here)
  • The men wear a lot of cologne
  • You can buy a bottle of wine for 1 euro
  • Everything shuts down at 2pm and opens later around 6 or 7 (restaurants, bars, shops)
  • The bathrooms have dibets.. don't think I'll ever be using that
"Closed for the strike"
  • Everyone talks about "La Crisis" and the students go on strike
  • Your landlord thinks its normal to show up unannounced at 10pm (okay this is just my case)
  • It is completely acceptable to take long naps in the afternoon
  • Your lunch is the biggest meal--around 2 or 3
  • You don't eat dinner until 10pm or later
  • Ham is plentiful..they are very proud of their ham products
  • Cafes line all the streets---usually packed with people
  • Speaking of know you're in Spain when coffee is served with milk and sugar (Cafe con leche) and it's the size of a shot (but very strong)

"They call this a cup of coffee?"
  • You are served free snacks when you order something to drink (chips, olives, bread, potatoes)
  • Its not unusual to go out past midnight and party until 5 or 6am
  • No one eats the skin of the apple (I still can't figure this one out- the skin has a lot of nutrients!)  
  • You don't have to leave a tip at a cafe or restaurant (pretty nice for my wallet)
  • Every third person you meet is named Maria- this gets confusing
    Okay so these bullet points were pretty random but they are just things that popped into my head at the moment.  Like I said, these are just my FIRST impressions, I still have a long time to go and more places to see here. Spain is a country that cannot be generalized because it varies so much depending in what area you are in..keep that in mind!

Disclaimer: I don't mean to offend any Spaniards, these are just my personal opinions.

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