Tuesday, November 13, 2012

P.S... There's a strike tomorrow

It's not a crisis, it's a trick!
General Strike- November 14th
A strike is called together to demonstrate (our rights)

I happened to see signs about this strike about a week ago.  To be honest, I only recognized the word "huelga" so I knew there was a strike to be held on November 14.  From what I've heard, its going to be a general strike.  Everyone has a right to do it, teachers included.  My teacher told me that you have the right to strike but you will lose part of your pay if you don't show up to school. My first question was, "So what am I suppose to do"? Three of my teachers shrugged their shoulders and said "I don't know".  Well, let's see..I'm not Spanish so I don't feel comfortable protesting in a foreign country and I also don't want to bail on my students that want to learn English.  The only answer that I got at the end of the day was that if none of my teachers show up tomorrow, then I don't have to either.  I'm a little confused as to what the school is going to do with a bunch of students without teachers- and I'm not suppose to be left alone in the classroom without a teacher.  To my knowledge, they didn't prepare anything for the kids to do when they are off on strike. Hmm....so I let one of them know that it's not my responsibility to teach these kids if their professor decides to be gone for the day- so I guess we will see what happens! 

  I knew that Spain was struggling before I decided to live here but I tried to be wise and save my money (knowing that they won't pay us on time).  Turns out, the economic situation is so bad; high taxes (21%), budget cuts on health care and education and some serious unemployment rates, that this strike tomorrow is meant to prove a point to show the government what Spain would be like without its workers (teachers, etc.)

So, here's to not knowing if I should go to work tomorrow! ?

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