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¡Qué mono! |
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Too many different variations! |
When I lived in Costa Rica, I thought I was learning a universal Spanish. Now that I'm in Spain, I'm starting to think I don't even know Spanish because their accents, grammar, and vocabulary are all different.
¡Qué mono! = How monkey!... How cute!
When they put QUE in front of a word, it translates into "how or what a ________" MONO means monkey..but to them, it's cute so...oh look at that baby! "¡Qué mono!" ¡Qué guay!(gw-eye) = cool, how cool, that's cool. In Costa Rica, they say "Que chiva"
¡Qué chulo! = again, cool, how cool, that's cool
¡Hostia! = damn, hell
Vale (ball-eh) = Okay. I hear this about 100x a day. Costa Ricans never said this so this was new to me.
Me tiene negra = literally, "you have me black" ...but it means, you're making me mad
Mala leche = literally, bad milk..but it means, bad luck, or something/someone bad
Esta pisando huevos = literally, he is pissing eggs..but it means he's moving slowly (someone who is driving slow)
Y no sé qué no sé cuánto... = literally, I don't know what or how much but it means "blah blah blah" or "and so on" when someone is saying something boring or irrelavent.
Estoy harto = I'm fed up
Achooooo = No this isn't the sound you make when you sneeze, it comes from "muchacho" or "man, guy" They say this all the time and it's usually drawn out and in the most annoying tone you can ever imagine. Almost like they're whining. "Achooooooo" - Like "come on man/F*&^ Man, WTF dude"
Tio = They say this all the time too. Usually it is combined with acho. "Acho tio" It's another form of saying "man, guy, dude". Literally, it means uncle.
Out of all of these, I've only used "vale" because it is very necessary here in Spain. You will never hear me say acho because I hate that expression! There are a lot more to add to the list but I'll keep the bad words written down in my notebook instead of posting them on here :)
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